1. Address
  2. Usage
  3. Estimate

What address is this system for? We'll get you an estimate in 15 seconds or less.

Note: we won't ask for any contact information to give you an estimate.

With our unique model, we are priced 50% lower than 99% of installers.


One last thing - what is your average monthly electric bill? We'll use this to estimate your usage.


We use this information to calculate your ideal system size - and it can be refined later. We write and maintain this quoting tool in-house and take great care in ensuring its accuracy.


One moment while we run the numbers!

Analyzing weather patterns...

The Frugll Difference

One Transparent, Low Upfront Price.
With our unique model, we can capture all available incentives, and apply them to your project upfront. You only pay the difference.
Peace of mind.
Your system is fully maintained, warrantied, guaranteed and insured for 25 years in our network of 800,000+ installs.
We're here for you.
You can call us, and you can text us. We will handle engineering, planning, permitting, installation, and take your project to operation.
No payment until after installation.
We are waiving deposits on new projects until next summer starts.

A penny saved and a penny earned.


2655 Kiesel Ave
Ogden, UT 84401

© 2023. All rights reserved. Are you reading fine print because you love us?
